Carex Health Brands Day-Light Sky Review

Carex Health Brands Day-Light Sky

Manufacturer The manufacturer is Carex Health brands who are more well known for its main product lines (Health aids, mobility products, and bath safety) and have been in business for approximately 32 years. They currently have 5 different light therapy products on the market. We have also reviewed the Carex Day-Light Classic DL930 which made … Read more

Alaska Northern Lights North Star 10,000 review

Alaska Northern Lights North Star 10,000

Manufacturer The company, Alaskan Northern lights, was founded in 1993 and are a specialist in bright light therapy boxes to treat SAD, sleep disorders and bi-polar. The company is based out of Reno, Nevada and has long customer service opening hours. They offer a 60 day trial of their lamps with a full money back … Read more